PHP is a widely used programming language which works on the principal of server side scripting to produce dynamic Web pages. It can be easily integrated with HTML and SQL to produce these dynamic web pages, and is often used to process the contents of a Web page form as it is more secure and reliable than JavaScript.

You will learn how PHP can be combined with MySQL to create a very powerful online database engine. This PHP programming course will be of great interest to IT and Web development professionals who would like to learn more about using PHP and MySQL to integrate database functions into Websites, and to learners who would like to learn more about the functionality of PHP and MySQL.

Course Content

  • HTML Introduction ,Html Basics,Html Elements,HTML Attributes,Heading,Paragraph
  • Html Comment,Images,Tables,Html List,Html Color, Html Form Element like,text
  • box,radio,checkbox,dropdown,textarea etc…
  • HTML5 Elements,HTML5 Semantic Elements,Media Elements Etc…
  • CSS Introduction,Css Syntax,CSS Background,Borders,Margin
  • CSS Padding,CSS Height/width,text,font,links,CSS Tables,CSS Image Gallery
  • CSS3 Introduction ,CSS3 Rounded Corner,Border Images,CSS3 Colors,CSS3 Buttons
  • CSS3 Gradients,CSS3 Text font,CSS3 Transitions,CSS3
  • Introduction, PHP Syntax, Variables , I/O in PHP,
  • Variable Scopes, String, Concatenation Operator,
  • String function.
    • Simple Program to show out
    • Arithmetic Program Get ,Post Request Method
    • Area Of Rectangle
    • Salary Calculation
    • Swapping Program
    • Comparison program using If Else
    • Function Program
    • Pass word Creation Using String Program
    • Table Printing Using For Loop
    • Program using Array & Reverse Array
    • Similar Example Of Array
    • File Read Function in php & File Write Function In Php
    • For Each using Array Function
    • While loop program
    • Form Creation with validation
    • Switch Program
    • use of session with validation
    • Retrieve information using Session
    • PHP Mail Program
    • PHP Number FILTER
    • PHP Filter Email
    • PHP FILTER Validate an Integer Within a Range
    • PHP Read & Write
    • Create Cookie
    • Modify Cookie Value
    • Delete Cookie Value
    • Check If Cookie is Enabled
    • PHP date & timeMake Time In Php
    • Create a User Defined Function in PHP
    • PHP Function Arguments
    • PHP Functions – Returning values
    • Image Upload Concept
    • Create A Program Using Class
    • Class & Method Program
    • Single Inheritance Using Public, Private & Protected
    • Multiple Inheritance

Target Audience

  • Any IT and Non IT Graduates who are willing to make career in Web Development.
  • Web designers who wants to upgrade skill in advance level.


  • Some basic experience with software development is helpful but not necessary
Course Info
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